Tamam’s unique, full-day leadership training program is specifically designed to tackle some of the pervasive issues (e.g., impostor syndrome, low self-efficacy, family issues, sense of belonging, etc…) first-gen students face while pursuing higher education. An experience like no other, this training is meticulously and intentionally crafted, not only to provide high level of inspiration, empowerment and motivation, but also a practical strategies and techniques on how first-gen students can cope with, and transcend, obstacles and barriers to reach their academic, leadership, and personal goals. It’s a day where students are challenged to question and reflect upon some of the perceptions and beliefs that they have about themselves, confront their fears and doubts. It is a journey full of deep, thought-provoking conversation, attitude development, mind shifting exercises that will inevitably spark a paradigm shift.
Most of all, this is a day where first-gen students would begin to see themselves not as a deficit but rather an asset, not a victim but problem solvers. A day where they see greatness within themselves and turn that energy into a practical leadership action by producing seemingly implausible solution to some of the major issues that affects them and those that are like them on campus and beyond. For many of the participants, this will be a tipping point, a day they will start seeing themselves--and the world in which they live--differently and will carry this experience with them for the rest of their lives.
The training encompasses two main features:
an ongoing post-training mentorship with Tamam. That is, your students will be able to schedule a virtual group mentoring session with him throughout their academic journey.
a full-day comprehensive, hands-on training with Tamam, at your campus.

Fatemma Soto-Herrera, Director
University of Arizona
The training was absolutely wonderful. One of the best investments that we could have made for our students. We made it mandatory for our freshmen and sophomores to attend and optional for our upperclassmen. The upperclassmen got as much out of it as the 1st and second year students. His training was very interactive. Students really responded to his story as a prior TRIO student himself. He shared about his own obstacles in college, getting into and through his studies, and really had some amazing activities. The community that he helped us continue to build in our program was worth every penny. He had students participate in team problem solving activities that allowed them to get to know each other on a deeper level, helped them establish goals, helped them brainstorm and identify problems that they were facing at our own institution and created a discussion for how we could break down those barriers. Through his programming, he helped students recognize their strengths and the importance of advocating for themselves to instructors and university staff about what it’s like for them to be a first-gen student. It was such a blast! We had so many laughs and became an even closer TRIO family because of his training. After the training, Tamam continues to make himself available to myself, our staff and our students. I know our students have contacted him for advice as well. He’s very student centered!
The Tamam difference
1) While the traditional leadership development programs mostly focus on giving students new
knowledge and skills--which is often forgotten soon after--Tamam places more emphasis on the
APPLICATION of the new skills, knowledge and establishing an action plan to create habits.
This takes place during the training and continues as part of the post-training mentorship.
2) While most training start and end at a given time, Tamam believes in providing students with an
ongoing support and guidance long after the initial training is over.
3) Developed by Tamam--a former first gen, who also holds a Master's degree in Prevention
Science from Harvard--for current first gen college students, this program has unique
components that enables students to develop a strong sense of connectedness as a "first gen
family," a kinship that often turns into a valuable support system and lasts for a long time.
Some of the topics covered
​How to overcome impostor syndrome
How to improve and build self-efficacy
How to build social capital
Strategies on juggling school and work as a first-gen
How to deal with families without college degrees
Strategies on overcoming procrastination
Mental-health issues
Goal attainment
Communication skills
Time management skills
Public speaking skills
Overcoming obstacles as a first-gen
How to develop motivation
And many more...
Some of the takeaways
-- The ability to see themselves as an asset, not a deficit. A complete paradigm shift.
-- Heightened personal awareness and clearer vision regarding their academic and career goals.
-- The ability to sustain a high level of motivation throughout college.
-- Increased self-confidence: "I belong" and "I have what it takes" attitude.
-- Overcoming fear.
-- Develop strong interpersonal skills.
-- Develop positive, effective communication and team building skills.
-- Awareness of self-strengths and growth as a leader.
-- Understanding of the importance of practical knowledge over that of theoretical knowledge.
-- A greater understanding of the science behind habit formation.

Hello! I am Shriya, a TCU student that attended your First Generation Session today. I just wanted to say that today was one of the most eye-opening experiences of my life...thank you for making an impact in my life, just as I’m sure you’ve made in countless others...
Shriya, TRiO SSS Student
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